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A game built by young people, for young people.

Un joc de pistă prin împrejurimile Blajului, pe urmele unor scriitori și a personajelor lor. 


O aventură pe biciclete
OB_Blaj_iulius mihu carbunari.jpg

Discover places, characters and writers around Blaj through a  track game in the footsteps of Ion Agârbiceanu, Timotei Cipariu, Ion Brad, Demetriu Radu, Ioan Maiorescu and  Ioan Suciu. 


  • Do you like to ride a bike?

  • Do you read novels and imagine yourself sometimes instead of characters?

  • Do you like track games with clues and evidence?

Then you are in the right place!
Participate in a unique experience, inspired by  the life of the writers around Blaj!

Visit our blog!

A Signis Romania project, in collaboration with the “Inochentie Micu Clain” Blaj National College;  Running & Cycling Club  Blaj; "Ioan Maiorescu" Gymnasium School from Bucerdea Grânoasă; "Ion Agârbiceanu" Gymnasium School from Cenade; "Toma Cocișiu" Gymnasium School, Blaj; "St. Basil" High School, Blaj; "Ștefan Manciulea" Technological High School, Blaj;  Post secondary school  Sanitary,  Blaj; "Timotei Cipariu" High School, Bucharest; "Inochentie Micu" High School, Cluj; Zileos Oradea Association; Association of Romanian Christian Scouts from the European Scouting Federation;  Brad Brothers Association;  Blaj Municipal Library;  Blaj City Hall.


Cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration.

The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

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